
Hielscher Ultrasonics specializes in the design and manufacturing of high power ultrasonic homogenizers for lab, bench-top and production level. Ultrasonic power is an effective and energy-efficient means to apply high shear and intense stress to liquids, powder/liquid mixtures, and slurries. This makes it a strong alternative to high shear mixers, high-pressure homogenizers, and agitated bead mills. Hielscher ultrasonic devices are in use worldwide as laboratory mixers, high shear mixing equipment, full-size in-line homogenizers or particle mills. The applications include mixing, dispersing, particle size reduction, extraction, and chemical reactions. We supply to various industry segments, such as nano-materials, paints & pigments, food & beverage, cosmetics, chemicals, and fuels. Read more about our devices and applications, or contact us now for the right ultrasonic systems for your process.
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