Glow Discharge – GD-OES

Pulsed RF GDOES instrumentation

HORIBA Scientific pulsed RF GDOES instruments have unique features supported by multiple patents that make them the ideal companion characterization tools to material research and elaboration.

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HORIBA Scientific pulsed RF GDOES instruments have unique features supported by multiple patents that make them the ideal companion characterization tools to material research and elaboration.

The new RF pulsed source allows measuring all types of solid samples conductive or non, even fragile or heat sensitive with optimum performances.

The patented High Dynamic range Detectors (HDD) used in all HORIBA Scientific GD instruments allow real time, automatic optimization of the sensitivity permitting to analyze elements at trace levels in one layer and as major in a second layer without compromise or need of pre-adjustment.

Pulsed RF GD OES will answer in minutes – even seconds to multiple questions such as:

  • Which elements are present in the sample?
  • At which concentration levels?
  • Is the sample homogeneous in depth?
  • Were any coatings or surface treatments applied to the sample?
  • How thick are the coatings?
  • Is there any contamination at an interface?
  • Any oxidation of the sample?
  • Any diffusion in the coatings?

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HORIBA Scientific is the new global team created to better meet customers’ present and future needs by integrating the scientific market expertise and resources of HORIBA. HORIBA Scientific offerings encompass elemental analysis, fluorescence, forensics, GDS, ICP, particle characterization, Raman, spectral ellipsometry, sulfur-in-oil, water quality, and XRF. Prominent absorbed brands include Jobin Yvon, Glen Spectra, IBH, SPEX, Instruments S.A, ISA, Dilor, Sofie, SLM, and Beta Scientific. By combining the strengths of the research, development, applications, sales, service and support organizations of all, HORIBA Scientific offers researchers the best products and solutions while expanding our superior service and support with a truly global network.


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