QuAAtro39 AutoAnalyzer

QuAAtro39 Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzer

QuAAtro39 is the world’s most automated, compact, Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzer. With microflow hydraulics, heated manifolds, high resolution detectors and advanced software this high performance microflow chemistry analyzer is ideal for the detection of ultra-low nutrients in water, wastewater, seawater, soil, plant extracts, tobacco and wine.

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Why Choose the QuAAtro39 AutoAnalyzer?

  • Generate more than 500 tests per hour.
  • Ultra-low detection limits.
  • High reproducibility.
  • Increases productivity by 33% over its predecessor.
  • Microflow hydraulics enable high sample rates (internal diameter of glassware is 1mm).
  • Low sample consumption
  • Low reagent consumption
  • One-click start up.
  • Automatic performance checks, before, during and after a run.
  • Automatic monitoring of noise, drift, bubble pattern and light energy
  • Automatic and complete shutdown with automatic pump platen release (option)
  • 4 simultaneous chemistries from one console.
  • Also available as a 5 channel seawater analyzer.
  • High-resolution digital photometer provides higher sensitivity.
  • LED light source.
  • Integrated enclosed manifold and detector (heated to 37 degrees C)
  • Optimal bubble frequency programmed by silent air valves.
  • Reliable unattended operation & overnight running.
  • Multitest manifolds for different nutrients with no hardware changes.
  • Glass components for easy cleaning & easy visual checks.
  • Uses Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzer principles to reduce inter-sample dispersion.
  • Compact and flexible chemistry analyzer.
  • Easy to transport.

http://www.seal-analytical.com/Products/QuAAtro39AutoAnalyzer/tabid/814/language/en-US/Default.aspx Enquiry Email: webenquiry@wirsam.com


Seal Analytical

SEAL Analytical, a Porvair company brand, is a world leader in the design, development, and manufacture of automated Discrete Analyzers, Continuous Segmented Flow Analyzers and Sample Preparation equipment specifically for use in environmental applications. SEAL analyzers are widely acknowledged as the best-in-class and instrument of choice for monitoring nutrients in water & wastewater, seawater, soils & plant materials, as well as the quality control of industrial products, fertilizers and tobacco. SEAL Analytical has over 50 years experience in environmental and industrial automated analyzers. SEAL purchased Bran+Luebbe, who earlier purchased Technicon Corporation, the first to commercialise Continuous Flow Analysis. Technicon's AutoAnalyzer became the best-known and most successful Continuous Flow Analyzer in the world, and the instrument that most EPA methods for automated colorimetric analysis were written on and continue to reference. This experience continues to drive SEAL's development of flow techniques and automated lab analyzers for environmental and industrial laboratories.


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