Mineral Analyser – TIMA-X

TIMA-X is an automated mineralogy system for fast quantitative analysis of samples such as rocks, ores, concentrates, tailings, leach residues or smelter products.


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TIMA-X combines BSE and EDX analysis to identify minerals and create mineral images that are analyzed to determine mineral concentrations, element distributions, and mineral texture properties such as grain size, association, liberation and locking parameters. TIMA-X can also search for bright phases containing the platinum group, gold, silver, rare earth, and other minerals.

TIMA-X uses up to four EDAX Element silicon drift detectors and new software to significantly increase both performance and reliability. TIMA-X detectors are a new design that increases sensitivity to light elements and maintains stable energy resolution at very high count rates. TIMA-X detectors are fully compatible with both TIMA operation and EDAX Quantitative EDX systems and allow the user to enjoy the full speed of TIMA-X while maintaining the capabilities of standard-based quantitative analyses. TIMA-X software has many unique features including a new generation of mineral identification tools and low element detection limits using its patented pixel analysis algorithms.
For high-throughput applications, it can be fitted with the AutoLoader™ - a robotic sample loading system for 24/7 unattended measurement of up to 100 epoxy blocks. AutoLoader increases productivity by transforming mineralogy measurement from a batch to a continuous process by eliminating manual sample exchanges and chamber pump-down.


Enquiry Email: webenquiry@wirsam.com



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