Nanotomography – nano3DX

Nanotomography X-RAY Imaging Products from Rigaku

For a list of all Tomography products from Rigaku please see link below.

The new nano3DX allows you see into many types of samples, including those that have low absorption contrast, for example CFRP, or denser materials like ceramic composites. The nano3DX allows you to achieve this by providing the ability to change the X-ray wavelength to enhance contrast or penetration.

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igaku nano3DX represents the state of the art in laboratory-based nanoscale X-ray imaging. With up to 100X the X-ray flux of conventional microfocus X-ray sources, the nano3DX provides fast, true sub-micron 2D, 3D, and 4D measurements for a wide range of sample types.

High-resolution: High-quality CT images are obtained at submicron resolution by utilizing parallel beam X-ray geometry coupled with an ultra-thin scintillator and optical lens magnification.

High-contrast for lighter materials: The contrast in samples with low-density (organics, composites, ceramics, ...

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Since its inception in 1951, Rigaku has been at the forefront of analytical and industrial instrumentation technology. Today, with hundreds of major innovations to their credit, the Rigaku Group of Companies are world leaders in the fields of general X-ray diffraction (XRD), thin film analysis (XRF, XRD and XRR), X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF, EDXRF and WDXRF), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), protein and small molecule X-ray crystallography, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray optics, semiconductor metrology (TXRF, XRF, XRD and XRR), X-ray sources, computed tomography, nondestructive testing and thermal analysis. With Rigaku's vast understanding of X-ray and its complementary technologies as a foundation, our true strength is seen in an unparalleled willingness to collaborate with customers. By promoting partnerships, dialog, and innovation within the global scientific and industrial communities, Rigaku demonstrates a relentless commitment to providing our client markets with fully integrated solutions. The company and its employees are dedicated to developing and supplying universities, industry, and government labs with the ultimate in customer-focused integrated solutions across a wide variety of disciplines, including structural proteomics, nanoengineering research, general purpose X-ray diffraction (XRD) and spectroscopy (XRF), materials analysis and quality assurance. Whether supplying the tools to create better semiconductor chips, enabling drug discovery, improving production line quality, or exploring the new frontier of nanotechnology, Rigaku products and services lead with innovation. Rigaku employs over 1,100 people worldwide in operations based in Japan, the U.S., Europe and China. We value our people. Our value comes from them. Close collaboration between our users and employees sets the direction and focus of our work, allowing us to address customers' needs and stay close to the market place.


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